ЙНННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННН» є Wildcat! 4 Technical Information є ИННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННј User Account Management ННННННННННННННННННННННННН Maximum Number of User Accounts: 2 Billion Maximum User-ID length: 25 Characters Maximum Password Length: 14 Characters Maximum Number of Security Profiles per User: 1 primary and 5 secondary Each security profile can have its own: menu display set, security display file, maximum logon time, daily time limit, expiration maximum up/down file ratio, maximum up/down K ratio, download warning action, maximum daily download files, maximum daily download K, upload compensation, ability to overwrite files, chat options, distributed mail, custom overrides. User Information Fields for: name, company, address(2 lines), city, state, zip, voice, fax and data phone number, screen width, screen length, computer type, default editor, graphics support, date of birth, sex, language, comments (5 lines), alias, title, Novell name, file display style, active conference, help level, file transfer protocol, message read mode, first call date, expire date, memo date, date and time of last call, date and time of last new files check, total calls, total messages written, numbers of uploads, number of downloads, total KB uploaded, total KB downloaded, current daily downloads, current daily KB downloaded, time left, account balance, netmail balance, wcMAIL settings, conferences scanned, user override toggles, security profile, secondary security profiles, conference toggles. Charge user accounts by: -File download -Netmail Message -Subscription Special Features: -Sysop can determine which transfer protocols are available by security profile -Sysop defined default user profile -Wildcard user searches -Questionnaires can modify any field in user record -Duplicate user names allowed Security and Menu Control ННННННННННННННННННННННННННН BBS types: -Open -Closed -Closed Comment -Closed Questionnaire Maximum number of security profiles: 1,000 Maximum number of options per menu: 40 Maximum number of menus: 650 Menu Options can display a text file, select another menu, call built-in, global or wcCODE functions: Main Commands Sysop Commands -Bulletin Menu -Event Management -Door Menu -User Editor -Comment to Sysop -Activity Log List -Page Sysop -Erase Activity Log -Show Hello Screens -Files Editor -Questionnaire Menu -Status of Databases -Find User -Node Management -Change User Settings -Sysop Download -Display Statistics -Sysop Upload -List Users -Display Newsletter Global commands -Who is Online -Change Conference -Run Questionnaire Message commands -Expertise Level -Read messages -Display Help File -Search for messages -Display Menu File -Delete message -Display DISP File -Check for Mail -Display Text File -Update scanned conferences -Display Bulletin -Run wcMAIL -Logoff -Run wcCODE Program File Commands -Go to Menu -Information on File -Door/Menu Hook -List Available Files -Stack Commands -Download a File -Page User -Upload a File -Run wcCHAT -New Files Since -Search for Files -File Transfer Info -Personal File Stats -View a ZIP File -Read a Text File -Edit Marked List Special Features: -Define up to 1,000 sysop definable DOS hooks -Fully customizable menu structures -Ability to define any built-in or global option to any menu -Unauthorized commands, file areas, and conferences are hidden -Each menu can have its own RIP, ANSI, ASCII or dynamically generated display screen. -Support for stacked menu commands -WYSIWYG ANSI screen editor included Messaging Capabilities (Electronic Mail and Forums) ННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННН Maximum Number of Message Conferences: 32,760 Maximum Message Length: 64 KB Maximum Number of Messages per Conference: 65,520 Maximum Number of Sysop-defined Distribution Lists: 1,000 Maximum To/From User Field: 70 characters Maximum Subject Field: 70 characters Message conference types include: -Normal messages, public and private -Normal messages, public only -Normal messages, private only -Fido Netmail messages, private only -Internet E-Mail, private only -Usenet Newsgroup, public to ALL Special Features: -User name search when addressing messages -Sysop Snoop mode message reading allows sysop to quickly read messages updating message pointers -Integrated QWK mail interface (wcMAIL) -Message forwarding, carbon copies, return receipts, file attachments, quoting -Conferences can be defined as Read Only, Write Only, Join Only or any combination of the three -Full screen editor for ANSI users with automatic word wrap and spell checker -Subject threading -Searches based on sender, receiver, subject, message text, message number, and conference. -Upload text into message using any file transfer protocol -Message attachments can be added download to queue -Prompt to delete message attachments based on -Originate new messages from Read mode -Automatically maintain messages by date or total number using wcPACK File Capabilities ННННННННННННННННННН Maximum Number of File Areas: 32,760 Maximum Number of Files per Area: 2 billion Maximum Length of File Descriptions: 70 Characters standard, 15 lines by 72 characters extended. Upload/Download Transfer Protocols: Zmodem, Ymodem-G, Ymodem, Xmodem-1K/G, Xmodem-1K, Xmodem/CRC, Xmodem, Kermit, ASCII, plus up to 10 Sysop-defined external protocols Special Features: -.GIF file thumbnail previewer -Multi-changer CD-ROM support -User-specified default transfer protocols -Duplicate file names -File list marking -File list format options for single, double or extended views -Searches by keyword, text in description, date, uploader with AND/OR logic -Password protected files with hide option -Auto-logoff option after transfer -Transfer prompting at logoff if files are still in download queue. -Option for indexing extended descriptions -Option for leaving message to file uploader -Option for running virus scanner after upload -File areas can be defined as list only, upload only, download only or any combination of the three -Built-in support for FILE_ID.DIZ and DESC.SDI General/User Interface Features ННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННН -Local sysop node in all versions (even Single Line) -Built-in support for RIPscrip graphical user interface -Auto-detect of RIP and ANSI at connection time -User selectable language at login or stored in user record -User selected graphics modes -User selected message edit modes -3 modes of menu operation: novice, regular and expert -3 modes of message display: scroll, clear screen, and keep header -Each conference can have it own bulletins, menus, questionnaires, display screens, help files, and attachment areas -Bulletins can be downloaded from bulletin menu or added to the file download queue -Customizable menus Doors: -Both single and multi-user door programs supported -Supported via DOOR.SYS, USERREC.BIN, SYSINFO.DAT and FILEINFO.DAT Chat Types: -Moderated/Unmoderated -Public/Private Chat Features: -Sysop definable channels -Sysop defined action Words -Channel specific action words -Profanity filter -Ignore/Unignore mode -Character by character private chat -Paging with 4 line message editor -Whisper mode Questionnaire facility: RIPscrip or text interface Maximum Number of Questionnaires: unlimited Maximum Number of Questions per Questionnaire: 100 Maximum Length of Each Question: 64 KB Maximum Length of Each Answer: 65 characters Questionnaire answers are stored in ASCII file Sysop Features НННННННННННННННН All sysop maintenance functions are available from remote User activity audit trails recorded in activity logs Event Management: Maximum number of events: 32,760 per node Event types: hard, soft, flexible Event scheduler hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly Configurable console scrollback Console Security Types: none, passworded console access, no console access Console View Types: 25 line, 43/50 line EGA/VGA, quiet (none) Status Line Styles: none, single line, two line, or full user account information Performance and Architecture НННННННННННННННННННННННННННННН Maximum DTE rate: 115,200 Sysop definable connection rates Connectivity: Modem, LAN, X.25, FOSSIL* (* MultiLine Platinum only) LANS Supported: Novell Netware and any network that uses DOS SHARE Maximum recommended simultaneous connections to Single 486-33 based PC using DESQview: Single Line: 1 + 1 local sysop node MultiLine 10 and 250: 4 + 1 local sysop node MultiLine Platinum: 8 + 1 local sysop node System Requirements: Wildcat Single Line Recommended Software: DOS 3.3 or higher Recommended Hardware: IBM AT or true compatible, 512K RAM, high density floppy, 15 MB hard drive space, RS232 serial port with external modem and cable or internal modem, voice grade telephone line. Typical Application: Entry level BBS for the small business person, hobbyist or special interest group. Wildcat MultiLine 10 and 250 Recommended Software: DOS 3.3 or higher, DESQview 386, OS/2, for multiple lines on one PC. Network applications require Novell Netware or LAN software that uses DOS SHARE for file and record locking. Recommended Hardware: Multitasking on a single PC: 386-33mhz or higher with 1-2 MB RAM per dial-in node, hard drive. LAN connections: IBM AT or true compatible, 512K RAM, no floppy required. A serial port and external modem or internal modem and voice grade telephone line is required for each incoming modem connection. Typical Application: MultiLine 10: Multi-line public or private BBS running up to 4 dial-in lines on a single 386 PC, or a small business with a LAN for local logins, and one or more dial-in lines for customer or outside staff access. MultiLine 250: Medium to large sized LAN E-mail or corporate communications system requiring both local network access for more than 10 users, and only a small number of dial-up lines. Wildcat MultiLine Platinum Recommended Software: DOS 3.3 or higher, DESQview 386, OS/2 for multiple lines on one PC. Network applications require Novell Netware or LAN software that uses DOS SHARE for file and record locking. Hardware requirements: Minimum 486-33, 8-16 MB RAM, hard drive. Serial I/O boards required are to run 8 lines are PC/8e or PC/8i Digiboard with connecting cable or multi-port serial card that is FOSSIL compatible. An external modem and voice grade telephone line are required for each incoming modem connection. Typical application: Medium to large sized LAN E-mail or corporate communications system requiring both local network access for more than 10 users, and up to eight dial-up lines per workstation. Large multi-user public or private BBS, with up to eight incoming telephone lines per workstation. Wildcat! 4 Configuration Guidelines ЪДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДї ЪДґHow many telephone lines do you want to support?ГДї і АДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДВДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДЩ і і і і One 2 to 4 5 or more і і і ЪДДДДДДДДДДБДДДДДДДї ЪДДДДДДДДБДДДДДДДДДї ЪДДДДДДДДДДДБДДДДДДДДДї і Will Wildcat! be і і Will Wildcat! be і і Do you want to і іused on a network?і іused on a network?і і network multiple і АДДДДВДДДДДДДДДДДВДЩ АДДВДДДДДДВДДДДДДДДЩ іcomputers with up to і і і і і і4 lines each, or use і NO YES YES NO іa Digiboard for up toі і і і і і8 lines per computer?і ЪДДДБДДДДДДДї і і і АДДДДВДДДДДДДДДДДДДВДДЩ і Wildcat! і і і і і і іSingle Lineі і і і Network Digiboard АДДДДДДДДДДДЩ і і і і і і і ЪДДДДДДДДДБДДДДДДДДДДДДБДДДДї і ЪДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДБДДДДДДДДДДДї і і What is the total number і і і What is the total number і і іof users who would be usingі і іof users who would be usingі і і Wildcat! at any one time? і і і Wildcat! at any one time? і і АДДДВДДДДДДДДДДДВДДДДДДДДДДДЩ і АДДВДДДДДДДДДДДВДДДДДДДДДДДДЩ і і і і і і і 1 to 10 1 to 250 і 1 to 10 1 to 250 і і і і і і ЪДДДБДДДДДї ЪДДДДДДДДДБДДї ЪДДДДДБДДДДДДДї ЪДДБДДДДДДБДДї ЪДДДДДБДДДДДДДї іWildcat! і і Wildcat! і і Wildcat! і і Wildcat! і і Wildcat! і іMultiLineі іMultiLine 10і іMultiLine 250і іMultiLine 10і іMultiLine 250і іPlatinum і АДДДДДДДДДДДДЩ АДДДДДДДДДДДДДЩ АДДДДДДДДДДДДЩ АДДДДДДДДДДДДДЩ АДДДДДДДДДЩ Pricing and Availability НННННННННННННННННННННННННН All of MSI's products are available through normal software outlets such as Software Etc. and CompUSA, however all upgrade purchases are only available through MSI direct. Here is a schedule of our products and pricing: NEW UPGRADE ННННННН ННННННН Wildcat! BBS - Single Line $129.00 $50.00 Wildcat! BBS - MultiLine 10 $249.00 $50.00 Wildcat! BBS - MultiLine 250 (Old Professional) $499.00 $50.00 Wildcat! BBS - MultiLine Platinum (Old IM) $799.00 $50.00 wcPRO Utilities (with wcFAX) $99.00 $50.00 wcGATE Internet/MHS Messaging Gateway $149.00 $50.00 * wcCODE Custom Online Development Engine $149.00 ---- * wcGATE is $50 for anyone upgrading from wcUUCP or wcMHS only. It is $149 for all new orders.